SCDC - South Cambridgeshire District Council
SCDC stands for South Cambridgeshire District Council
Here you will find, what does SCDC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South Cambridgeshire District Council? South Cambridgeshire District Council can be abbreviated as SCDC What does SCDC stand for? SCDC stands for South Cambridgeshire District Council. What does South Cambridgeshire District Council mean?South Cambridgeshire District Council is an expansion of SCDC
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Alternative definitions of SCDC
- Safiullah Child Development Center
- Superior Court of the District of Columbia
- South Carolina Department of Commerce
- Suffolk Coastal District Council
- Sewall Child Development Center
- Stone Creek Dining Company
- Santa Clara Development Corporation
View 35 other definitions of SCDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SPI Sage Publications India
- SSPS Sand Springs Public Schools
- SNWA Southern Nevada Water Authority
- STCIL The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd
- SESC Standard Electric Supply Co.
- SLUK Stem Learning UK
- SLC Stimson Lumber Company
- SRL St. Rose of Lima
- SEGF Scouts Et Guides de France
- SJIL SJ Innovation LLC
- SFTP Six Flags Theme Parks
- SERI Samsung Electronics Research Institute
- SSS Stivers Staffing Services
- SHH Second Harvest Heartland
- SHP Swanson Health Products
- SDC Smith Drug Company
- SCSGT Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust
- SRT Southern Refrigerated Transport
- SG The Senator Group